Saturday, September 12, 2009

Anti-Post Racial - White, Anti-Barack Obama Rallies Across AmericaRace

Tea party demonstrators gather at U.S. Capitol

Let's call it, like it is. A 99.9 % White Anti Obama movement marched to the U.S. Capitol today to protest Obama health care reform, higher taxes and what they see as out-of-control government spending. One has to wonder where these folks were for eight years when George W. Bush was detroying America? I guess Castro is right.

The conservative advocacy group made its way from California, hosting rallies in about 30 cities. CNN has full Coverage.

A protester uses a Nazi swastika to make a point at a Tea Party Express stop in Dallas, Texas.

"Obamacare Condense Cream of Crap soup" reads a sign in Sparks, Nevada. In Dallas, Texas, a darker mood prevails. A homemade sign with "Obama Lies" features a bold, black swastika.

As the tour moves on, Nazi imagery becomes more prominent -- and sometimes confused. One sign at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, has Obama's portrait sandwiched between pictures of Adolf Hitler and communist philosopher Karl Marx. In Canton,Ohio, Obama and Hitler adorn a sign reading "Hitler made great speeches, too."

As reported by CNN, The Tea Party Express tour has been free of violence, but occasional outbursts of vitriolic hatred toward the president combined with some menacing outward appearances often overshadow the more moderate tea partyers. Weigh in on health care

In Louisville, Kentucky, two young men in camouflage fatigues roamed the crowd trying to recruit new members for their militia called the Ohio Valley Freedom Fighters. They bear signs reading "AK-47s: today's pitchfork" and "Quit worrying. Start your militia training today."

In Jackson, Michigan, a young man didn't need a sign. He was carrying the real thing: A loaded AK-47 assault rifle and two loaded handguns.

"I don't want a revolution. I don't want a civil war," he said. "But it is a possibility. It's there as an option, as a last resort." More HERE

AAPP: I wonder when President Obama and his administration will take a bolder stance on these fools carrying guns at these so called peaceful rallies? It's time for the Justice Department to stop these reckless fools. But that is just one African American Political Pundit's opinion. Then again, check out the recommended arms that white groups are stock piling against black folks. Maybe, just maybe black folks should start arming ourselves - JUST IN CASE.

What is your opinion?

This whole situation is so disgusting its laughable. I wonder what Richard Pryor would say about public option health care and guns? We can get a sense of that


African American Political Pundit is a 2008 DNCC Credentialed Democratic National Convention Blogger. He is also a BlackTalk Radio and BlogTalkRadio host, who shares this blog platform with others interested in candid, honest, reciprocal conversation about political and social issues impacting our diverse American communities.

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