Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond The Non-Profit Industrial Complex

The Revolution Will Not be Funded, a book put together by INCITE!

H/T kameelah Writes

kameelah Writes

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond The Non-Profit Industrial Complex

I need to definitely get a hold of this book...and so do you. It is something I have tried to articulate for years and has made me ambivalent about my entrance into public policy work. I majored in public policy analysis with the intention of learning how the system works so that I could create an alternative sustainable model. At the end of my four years, I felt "trained" and primped to sit an in an office to draft policy memos, sip coffee and speak calmly about urgent issues, rather than work with people on the ground. I was told that the only "real" change would come through working with the government and through non-profit organizations. I am not saying that change (whatever that means) can not come about through non-profit work. However, what I am arguing is that a revolution--sustainable transformation will not be funded--it cannot be funded. During my last year of college, I spent a lot of time dealing with the reality that the path I wanted to take would not be supported by those I expected to support me. I realized that if I domesticated my dreams and life choices there would be many people to help me along. I noticed the smiles when I spoke in a certain way and drafted my papers in a particular tone. More HERE

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